Welcome to a New Era of Adeptia Connect
Today, Adeptia launched the latest version of Adeptia Connect, which includes several exciting new enhancements! Hear from CTO and cofounder Deepak Singh what this means for our customers and prospects.
I like big data and I cannot lie,You IT Pros can’t denyWhen a vendor walks in with an itty-bitty costAnd Big Data for your bossYou get sprung!...
Deepak Singh
It took me a while to hop on the Game of Thrones bandwagon. Dragons? Ice Zombies? I didn’t think it would be my type of show....
Andrew Griffin
I stepped off a bus on my commute to work recently and saw this sign: It brought me back — waayyyy back — to my college days, when I used to go to the arcade and play Mortal Kombat II in an effort to ...
Maryling Yu
I am the Game of Thrones fan to end all Game of Thrones fans. In my world, there is nothing more important than Daenerys retaking her rightful seat as Queen of the Seven Kingdoms....
Maryling Yu
As an IT manager, you have probably lived through an “IT project from hell.” A project where the requirements morphed every time you looked at them, the timelines were unrealistic, and the outcomes di...
Raman Singh
The Affordable Care Act has caused quite the stir on both sides of the political aisle, but for the sake of this article, we’re not going to get into politics....
Raman Singh
With one of television’s most innovative programs beginning its final season this week, I thought it would be an appropriate time to reflect on Mad Men and the fascinating cultural perspective that ha...
Andrew Griffin
When I hear “Internet of Things,” (IoT) I usually think about teapots talking to refrigerators, and I wonder to myself, “What’s the point of that?” But actually, IoT can be quite useful in personal li...
Jennifer Egan
The presentation I enjoyed most at the recent IT Roadmap Conference and Expo in Chicago was Tom Arkins’ Mobile Data Access: The Next Generation of Health care IT....
Maryling Yu
We all have those tasks and chores we dread at work. For me, it’s filling out administrative paperwork of any kind and attending pointless meetings....
Maryling Yu
The majority of integration vendors sell Eclipse-based platforms (and I’ve previously written about why you should rather eat hot coals than use an Eclipse-based platform)....
Raman Singh
Have you ever had a variation of the following B2B data integration conversation with your IT department? Me: I want to somehow integrate the data in my marketing automation software with the data in ...
Maryling Yu
The pace of business is moving faster than we’ve ever seen. If you’re like most IT organizations, you’re under constant pressure to do more with less and move faster, or risk being beat out by the com...
Deepak Singh
For decades, companies have relied on the archaic and insanely complex Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) standards. For those unfamiliar with the term, EDI is a standardized practice and format for sh...
Raman Singh
As we finish out the end of the first quarter of 2015, we’ve noticed a few key trends that will continue to dominate the IT landscape through the coming year....
Deepak Singh
You’re probably familiar with the terms byte, megabyte, and gigabyte — but do you know what a terabyte is? How about a petabyte, or an exabyte? These lesser-used words describe units of Big Data, or d...
Paul Balsom
Eclipse is a platform that developers use to create integration software. Most integration software solutions in the industry are Eclipse-based, which creates a number of painful disadvantages for IT ...
Raman Singh
As data integration software continues to innovate and evolve, here at Adeptia we thought it worth asking the question, “What are IT professionals looking for in their data integration solutions?” We ...
Paul Balsom
More than ever before, business users are directly influencing IT workflow, and in turn, how companies conduct business. This is because workers increasingly have the ability to handle issues that hav...
Deepak Singh
Adeptia will be sponsoring and exhibiting at IT Roadmap & Expo’s stop in Chicago on March 11 at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont, IL....
Paul Balsom
Companies thinking of purchasing an EDI solution should go through a proper due diligence in evaluating an EDI vendor. I have come up with some of the key questions that must be answered and have list...
Raman Singh