Adeptia Blog

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5 Reasons Why Value Added Networks (VANs) For Insurance Belong In Jurassic World

If there’s a lesson to be found in the Jurassic Park movies, it probably has something to do with not messing with the natural process of evolution....

Picture of Raman Singh

Raman Singh


9 Integration Dinosaurs That Belong In Jurassic World

Since the dawn of time, we humans have had the need to access, share, and synthesize information with each other. You could say the earliest form of “data integration” was drawing on cave walls....

Picture of Maryling Yu

Maryling Yu


“Hybrid Integration” and 3 Other I.T. Buzzwords That Will Make You Sound Really Smart

Every industry has its own buzzwords du jour. Educators are talking about “cooperative learning.” Executives are promoting “rightshoring.” Those in pharmaceuticals are pursuing “continuous manufacturi...

Picture of Andrew Griffin

Andrew Griffin


Adeptia Connect 2.0 Shortens Customer Onboarding From Months To Minutes

I have not been as excited as I am today since I first founded Adeptia 15 years ago. Today, we implemented new features inside Adeptia Connect that are fresh, radical, and groundbreaking....

Picture of Deepak Singh

Deepak Singh


12 Offensive-Sounding I.T. Terms That Are Actually Harmless

I’m not smart enough to work in Information Technology, but I like to sound like I could be. Hence, I try to use a lot of I.T....

Picture of Maryling Yu

Maryling Yu


19 Ways For IT To Mess With Business Users

If you work in Information Technology, you’re under-appreciated and overworked. And I’m sure you’ve had the occasional glimmer of mischievous glee thinking about the ways you could mess with your busi...

Picture of Maryling Yu

Maryling Yu


Application Integration Definition: What Is An Enterprise Service Bus?

Think about the busy city streets. There are shops, homes, businesses, government offices…all jumbled together, all with their specific purpose, all the destination of countless people....

Picture of Raman Singh

Raman Singh


Unexpectedly Good Integrations In Life: 8 Flavor Pairs That Taste Surprisingly Delicious Together

At Adeptia, integration is our mantra — and not just data. We’re interested in all the fascinating and complementary intersections life has to offer. Integration as a concept means committing to harmo...

Picture of Ryan Griffin

Ryan Griffin


The #1 Reason Why Business Process Management Fails

You’re a business leader with high hopes for your company’s innovative future, and your budget has finally been approved for an automation overhaul of your business processes....

Picture of Andrew Griffin

Andrew Griffin


What You Don’t Know About B2B Cloud to Cloud Integration

If you’re riding the wave of cloud innovation with the rest of the enterprise world, I’ve got good news for you. The next iteration of cloud innovation has arrived....

Picture of Raman Singh

Raman Singh


The Mad Max Approach to SaaS Integration

I was eleven when I saw the original Mad Max. Young and impressionable, I was drawn to the fearless hero who had nothing to lose....

Picture of Andrew Griffin

Andrew Griffin


Why My Grandmother Can Do B2Bi As Well As Your IT Staff

Recently my grandmother decided to try zip-lining for the first time. It resulted in a second hip surgery, but she had one heck of a ride....

Picture of Ryan Griffin

Ryan Griffin


Five Cloud Integration Myths We Just Had to Debunk

With businesses basking in the overwhelming benefits of cloud computing, it’s all too easy to get lost in the swirling hype. In every corner (including IT), there are voices whispering myths of all va...

Picture of Andrew Griffin

Andrew Griffin


CIOs, This Is How To Enrage Your CMO: Tell Her Marketo Integration Will Take Another Year

Being a CIO isn’t getting any easier. Cyber security threats are more sophisticated. Cloud migrations are in progress. Every type of as-a-Service offering is making your system, network, processes, an...

Picture of Deepak Singh

Deepak Singh


5 ‘Walking Dead’ Characters And Their Data Integration Project Equivalents

If you’ve ever watched The Walking Dead and been on a data integration project, you have GOT to have noticed some striking similarities....

Picture of Michael Behling

Michael Behling


Anatomy Of An Application Integration Chicken

Application integration is not for the chicken-hearted.So many I.T. personnel and business users alike have been rotisserie’d over application integration that it’s no wonder they don’t want to cross ...

Picture of Andrew Griffin

Andrew Griffin


7 Alcoholic Drinks To Imbibe As Your Sharepoint Integration Project Fails

As anyone who has ever done a SharePoint integration project knows, it can be challenging enough to drive one to drink. SharePoint integration is tough to get through without imbibing alcohol because,...

Picture of Gaurav Sachdev

Gaurav Sachdev


7 Things Your Butt Can (Inadvertently) Do Today That It Couldn’t Do 30 Years Ago

Ah, the digital age. So much technological progress has occurred in the last 3 decades that has made life so much easier…so easy, in fact, that even our derrieres can perform many tasks with simplicit...

Picture of Maryling Yu

Maryling Yu


Game of Thrones Show vs. Game of Thrones Books: When You Deviate, You Dis-Integrate

For those of us who are diehard fans of the Game of Thrones books, this past Sunday’s episode created massive cognitive dissonance…and for me, massive internal dis-integration....

Picture of Maryling Yu

Maryling Yu


Why Your Current ETL Tools Are Just A House Of Cards

I’ve finally gotten around to watching the third season of “House of Cards,” and it’s as haunting and powerful as ever. It’s the type of show that makes me want to shower immediately after I watch it....

Picture of Andrew Griffin

Andrew Griffin

How NetApp’s CIO and CMO Collaborate

How NetApp’s CIO and CMO Collaborate

Does there have to be drama in the C-suite between the CIO and CMO? No, there doesn’t, at least not according to NetApp, a $6.5 billion storage technology company based in Sunnyvale, CA....

Picture of Maryling Yu

Maryling Yu