Adeptia Blog

Learn more about Adeptia's latest news, product updates, and more.


Adeptia Employee Profile Series: Todd Johnson

If you’ve followed our blog at all over the past year, then you know that Adeptia likes getting personal. And that makes sense, considering that our software is nothing if not approachable....

Picture of Maryling Yu

Maryling Yu


Application to Application Integration Has Been Solved. Here’s What Hasn’t Been Solved (Until Now)

It wasn’t so long ago when application to application integration was still a major obstacle for businesses needing to send and receive data to one another....

Picture of Raman Singh

Raman Singh


4 Reasons Why Our Product Might Not Be A Good Fit for Your Company

At first glance our title might have you think your eyes are deceiving you. After all, who goes out and tells people why their product wouldn’t be a great fit for them?...

Picture of Michael Behling

Michael Behling


Six Songs Whose Lyrics Are Really About Your Dysfunctional EDI Software

It’s true that there’s a song for every occasion. If you do your research, in fact, you can find pop songs with lyrics that correspond to just about any situation you could possibly find yourself in....

Picture of Maryling Yu

Maryling Yu


Five Lies Your Integration Vendor Will Tell You

Managing Sales for an IT integration vendor, I’ve run into a lot of potential customers who have some serious ‘trust’ issues. And you really can’t blame them — not with how many times they’ve been mis...

Picture of Michael Behling

Michael Behling


Unexpectedly Good Integrations In Words With Friends

Are you a Words with Friends fiend? I am! If I’m not working, or sleeping, or training for a 5K, or spending time with my family, then I’m playing Words with Friends....

Picture of Maryling Yu

Maryling Yu


Stay Up-To-Date With The Changing Role Of The CIO

If you’ve been following this blog, then you know that we love talking about the constantly changing role of IT within an enterprise context. The thing is, we’re not the only ones talking about it....

Picture of Andrew Griffin

Andrew Griffin


What You Need To Know About Gartner’s 2015 CIO and CEO Survey Analysis

It’s pretty much a given that staying competitive in business requires holding on tight to the explosive intersection between technology and business. It can sometimes feel like you’re constantly ridi...

Picture of Maryling Yu

Maryling Yu


4 Unexpected Reasons Why Successful Companies Are Choosing Adeptia Over The Competition

I never get tired of hearing my husband tell me he thinks I’m beautiful. Similarly, I never get tired of customers telling us why they chose Adeptia over our competition....

Picture of Maryling Yu

Maryling Yu


Don’t Forget B2B Data Visualization When Choosing B2B Integration Software

When companies go shopping for a B2B integration solution, the features they generally look for revolve around core data processing services. Many look for broad application functionality, and the sma...

Picture of Raman Singh

Raman Singh


Don’t Know Where To Start Selecting B2B Integration Software? Use This 7 Step Guide

Some people would rather poke themselves in the eye than evaluate B2B integration software. Or voluntarily watch the 1998 version of Godzilla. Or set themselves on fire....

Picture of Maryling Yu

Maryling Yu


Why I’d Rather Watch The 1998 “Godzilla” Again Than Evaluate & Implement B2B Gateway Software

The other day, I was flipping through the movie channels on TV when I stumbled across the American “Godzilla” remake from 1998. Now, I remembered the movie being pretty bad, but watching it again the ...

Picture of Jim Wisch

Jim Wisch


Here Are Two Major HIPAA Integration Life Hacks, Free of Charge

For workers in the health insurance industry, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) makes for daily — even hourly — complications. The need to automate HIPAA data processes i...

Picture of Raman Singh

Raman Singh


Unexpectedly Good Integrations In Life: Origami + Engineering = Portable Bridge

At Adeptia, integration is our mantra — and not just data. We’re interested in all the fascinating and complementary intersections life has to offer....

Picture of Gail Dutton

Gail Dutton


Why You Should Fix Your EDI Integration Software, Even If It Ain’t Broke, Part Two

I discussed the outdated mentality that if a process or tool still has basic functionality, it doesn’t need to be fixed. There are plenty of reasons to fix a semi-broken process sorely in need of an u...

Picture of Andrew Griffin

Andrew Griffin


Why You Should Fix Your EDI Integration, Even If It Ain’t Broke, Part One

Last month, my son junked his 92′ Geo Prizm. The beater had 250k+ miles on it, no heating or air conditioning, and broken door handles which resulted in manual window cranking in order to enter and ex...

Picture of Andrew Griffin

Andrew Griffin


Unexpectedly Good Integrations In Life: Amazing Bitters-And-Booze Pairings That Make Life Worth Living

At Adeptia, integration is our mantra — and not just data. We’re interested in all the fascinating and complementary intersections life has to offer....

Picture of Tom Bentley

Tom Bentley


Where Do IT People Get Paid The Most? Check Out This Infographic

We hear that IT people are valuable, so we got to thinking: how valuable, exactly, are they? And where can they find the highest-paying jobs in the U.S.?...

Picture of Maryling Yu

Maryling Yu


Just Shoot Me Now: I’ve Been Assigned To Do Another ETL Tools Comparison

Your mind goes blank. Your appendages go numb. You feel yourself plummeting into a state of crippling despair. You’ve been asked, for the umpteenth time, to do an in-depth comparison of the best ETL t...

Picture of Raman Singh

Raman Singh


Unexpectedly Good Integrations In Life: Artists Use Medical Technology For New Perspectives On Life

At Adeptia, integration is our mantra — and not just data. We’re interested in all the fascinating and complementary intersections life has to offer....

Picture of Greg Sandler

Greg Sandler


Here’s The Unpleasant Truth About Your Integration SaaS: It Looks Huge

I don’t like doing this, but somebody’s got to. It seems that nobody else has the guts to tell it to your face. I know you think your Integration SaaS makes you look good and that it’s working effecti...

Picture of Raman Singh

Raman Singh