Stay Up-To-Date With The Changing Role Of The CIO

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Picture of Andrew Griffin
Andrew Griffin

If you’ve been following this blog, then you know that we love talking about the constantly changing role of IT within an enterprise context. The thing is, we’re not the only ones talking about it. Everywhere we look, we see verification that IT and business really are becoming integrated with regards to both strategy and responsibility.

The recent Gartner report titled: “From IT Operations Manager to IT Business Leader — The Rite of Passage for CIOs” is a rallying call for CIOs to embrace “the vision of leading their organization in effective enterprise strategy.” It is an insightful piece that details the varying transitional stages of Enterprise IT maturity and explores both the challenges and the necessity of the Enterprise IT evolution.

Gartner labels the various stages of Enterprise IT maturity on a scale from functional to transformational. A ‘functional’ or low-maturity IT department simply provides basic capabilities, while a ‘transformational’ or high-maturity IT department is engaged with business and allows itself to be leveraged as a critical and market-defining asset. What’s nice is, the report also provides an assessment tool for you to determine your own placement along the transitional trajectory

The transition of the CIO from operations manager to business leader across so many industries showcases a radical paradigm shift in which IT is transcending internal operations and integrating strategically with business in order to create real enterprise value. It is also a necessary one for a company that wants to stay competitive in the age of exponential marketplace disruption. After reading the Gartner report, you’ll gain clarity into where your company’s IT department falls on the maturity spectrum, and you will be get concrete recommendations for how to plan the necessary transition that will allow IT to be a more transformational asset to the enterprise.

If you’re involved in business or IT at any level, you will find it incredibly valuable. Adeptia has made this report available to you for a short time on a complimentary basis…follow the link to download your copy.