Dearly beloved, we gather here together to remember the Chief Information Officer and his role within the enterprise. Originally referred to as a data-processing manager, the Chief Information Officer held the responsibility of leading his company’s information technology operations during an era when IT became increasingly crucial at an enterprise-wide level. He did so with a vision that kept technology management at the center, and he was a valiant leader whose responsibilities have now moved beyond this realm and into the next…
But we do not mourn the loss. Instead, we celebrate the rebirth of the CIO with a newly beating heart. This vibrant new identity goes far beyond information technology by making enterprise-wide integration strategy his emphasis and responsibility. Managing technology operations is now only one aspect of this much broader role. And we are thrilled to have him with us. Here are six ways in which the reborn Chief Integration Officer will live a long and prosperous new life:
Integrating Business & IT
The Chief Integration Officer is now transcending his old role to focus less on technology management and more on business strategy. As a result, he can serve as the critical link between business strategy and the IT agenda, and he can help identify, vet, and apply emerging technologies to the business roadmap.
Integrating Emerging Technologies with Operational Business Realities
The Chief Integration Officer is uniquely suited to balance actuality with inspiration by finding ways to reshape processes and deliver business services more efficiently. He will find and utilize innovative offerings without losing sight of feasibility, complexity, and risk.
Integrating Departmental and Functional Silos
The Chief Integration Officer now views his responsibilities through an enterprise-wide lens to help ensure different domains aren’t producing redundant, conflicting, or compromised investments within departmental or functional silos. The reborn CIO is not just the connective tissue, but the driving force for intersecting, IT- heavy initiatives.
Integrating Data Access with Business Processes
The Chief Integration Officer is now making information accessible to business users within a business process context because he realizes that BPM and data access are two sides of the same coin. He takes into account the intended use of data, and this results in smarter, more efficient decisions that result in faster time to value and delivery.
Integrating Data Locations
The Chief Integration Officer is now focused on integrating data wherever it is needed, regardless of location. Rather than being limited by database or application, whether on-premise or in the cloud, business users need to be able to access data in real-time. It no longer matters where data is ‘located’ — it will always available when it is needed, instantly.
Integrating “Systems of Engagement” with “Systems of Record”
The Chief Integration Officer is now empowering lines of business to create and manage their own ‘systems of engagement’ (SoE) in order to more efficiently meet customer requirements. He is integrating the currently deployed ‘systems of record’ (SoR) with the more agile SoE through the use of ‘application programming interfaces’ (APIs) which act as a fast track to new innovation and revenue streams.
We don’t say goodbye to the CIO today. We celebrate his arrival at a better place. The Chief Information Officer was effective for his time, but the reborn Chief Integration Officer will create an even greater and more lasting legacy than the one who came before.
In Memoriam — ‘The Chief Information Officer’
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