Welcome to a New Era of Adeptia Connect
Today, Adeptia launched the latest version of Adeptia Connect, which includes several exciting new enhancements! Hear from CTO and cofounder Deepak Singh what this means for our customers and prospects.
Get the leading edge you need to stay profitable with Adeptia’s business process management (BPM) capability. Through collaboration, integration, automation and process improvement, you’ll improve the way your organization does businesses.
Adeptia Integration Suite facilitates seamless connectivity between business units, partners, suppliers and even customers. It lets you easily integrate business processes and data across your enterprise and supply chain, regardless of your existing technology, as well as improve regulatory compliance. As a result, it improves your speed to market, product quality, customer retention and decision-making.
Unlike other integration solutions, Adeptia does more than simply enable automation of system-to-system and partner-to-system data flows. It lets you automate the more common system-to-human business processes where business users need to interact with running data flows to view information, correct errors and resubmit data if needed.
Adeptia Integration Suite is designed to reduce the burden on your IT department. Its web-based design puts the power of data integration into your business users’ hands, so they can easily configure workflows and mapping rules as well as monitor operations.
Adeptia is simple to use and learn. With a graphical and wizard-driven interface, it puts the power of business process management into the right hands, fast.
Adeptia’s BPM capability significantly reduces the time it takes to design and automate a business process through its ease of use and nimble collaboration.
Based on a services oriented architecture (SOA) approach, Adeptia increases reusability and significantly reduces the time it takes to design and automate data flows.
Pay for only what you need and use with our attractive subscription pricing model.
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