The healthcare industry makes extensive use of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) transactions. The EDI 834 transaction is particularly key, since it has been identified by HIPAA 5010 as the prescribed format for a Benefit Enrollment and Maintenance document. In fact, a Washington Post article called 834, “Obamacare’s most important number.” That’s because EDI 834s transmit information such as a healthcare subscriber’s personal data, enrollment status, and plan/product identification.
In this Solution Brief you will learn about:
- The three factors that complicate the ability to streamline EDI 834 communication between businesses
- The Adeptia EDI integration architecture that includes a services layer
- What makes the Adeptia Solution different and how it can transform your EDI 834 processing
Download this solution brief now to find out how Adeptia empowers business users to work with EDI 834s directly and increase your organization’s ability to process information faster.