Traditional data integration methods can take weeks or months of calendar time to onboard new customers and from 60 to 250 hours of applied time to establish each new business customer data exchange. That includes the complicated mapping, coding, scripting, testing, rework, and other tasks that fall on the shoulders of scarce and expensive IT data integration experts, leading to costly bottlenecks and frustrated customers.
Also, during those weeks or months, your business teams wait for IT to finish the onboarding process while your sales teams deal with questions from unhappy customers concerning the complicated and time-consuming onboarding process. Finally, your customer’s teams also find the process to be frustrating, as their own IT data integration experts must contend with testing and rework cycles on their end.
But there is a solution.
Each of those teams – your IT data integration experts, your business workers, your sales teams, and your customer’s developers – can see dramatically improved productivity when you reimagine your company’s B2B data integration.
Read our eBook to learn how traditional customer data integration methods slow these teams down – and how Adeptia’s reimagined approach, driven by self-service and automation, can enable them to be more productive.