Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Five Sources of Revenue Growth That Result from Self-Service Data Integration

Five Sources of Revenue Growth That Result from Self-Service Data Integration Cover Image

Today’s disruptive business environment has made accelerating revenue growth more challenging than ever. Onboarding business customers, partners, and suppliers through the use of data integration has become an increasingly important – and increasingly complex – part of doing business.

Changing customer behaviors, shifting regulatory priorities, and advances in data and analytics have created new challenges. And many of these challenges fall squarely on IT departments, causing them to assume the burden of the complex coding and mapping necessary for customer data onboarding. This can result in a bottleneck that impedes the onboarding process and delays the delivery of the value the customer has been promised, along with the revenue your company depends on.

A survey of mid-and large-sized companies indicates it typically takes between six to 12 weeks of calendar time to implement data integration with new business customers. That can rack up significant costs and make it more difficult to serve customers – as well as negatively impact revenue growth.

Benefits of Self-service Data Integration

  • Accelerate Initial Customer Onboarding
  • Keep Customers Satisfied to Ensure They Remain with Your Company
  • Upsell Your Existing Customers
  • Accelerate Sales Cycles
  • Sell Existing Products to More of Your Addressable Market

Read our e-book to learn how Adeptia’s self-service data integration is helping businesses grow their revenue in these five specific areas.