ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) is used, in simplest terms, to move data from a source to a target database. It’s existed as long as corporate computing, bringing together data from various systems, including different software, vendors, and computing platforms, and remains one of the most common forms of data integration software.
But it’s far from a perfect solution. Because it’s been around so long, many businesses are still using ETL software designed before modern computing architectures and patterns were established, and as a result, those outdated solutions lack capabilities that modern business require. Also, despite claims that it’s easy to use, ETL software is anything but, requiring the expertise of skilled IT data integration experts to implement and use for mission-critical business operations.
Adeptia’s ETL solution changes all that. By adding a set of essential capabilities, Adeptia complements a company’s typical ETL implementations, resulting in increased revenue, reduced costs, and improved productivity. Adeptia also offers a variety of built-in ETL capabilities, including business-user-ease (no more need to rely on scarce and expensive IT experts), AI-powered data mapping, reusable smart templates (to accelerate one-to-many use cases) hyper-scaling, extended reach of data formats and secure data access methods, and automation.