Why Healthcare Units Need Data Integration to Deliver Quality Patient Care

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Picture of Sunil Hans
Sunil Hans
Why Healthcare Units Need Data Integration to Deliver High-Quality Patient Care

If easy access to complex, bi-directional data wasn’t a priority for health systems before the disruption era, it is now. Healthcare leaders around the globe turned to data to comprehend the impacts of disruption and make informed decisions, such as directing the patient flow and recognizing vulnerable patients. An important segment of the answer to these challenges is accurate, up-to-date data.

Data has always played a vital role in enhancing healthcare delivery. From clinical frontline to operations, healthcare units have heavily relied on data to measure the care they deliver, unlock care variation details, and tailor care delivery to each patient’s needs. When healthcare systems don’t have the access to data, they resort to anecdotal evidence and then make their best guess when it comes to their advancement efforts, often wasting precious resources during the journey.

While data is the foundation of any healthcare establishment, it can only drive systemwide improvement if it is available across the system and to primary decision-makers at every level of the organization. As a matter of fact, it needs to be integrated into a data lake, where it can be analyzed and used for future purposes. Healthcare units can leverage robust data integration solutions to increase data access and availability to end-users in order to facilitate data-driven decisions and improved patient care.

Importance and Benefits of Healthcare Data Integration

Healthcare units leverage data integration solutions to consolidate multiple data streams in order to garner quality insights and ultimately make informed decisions. These solutions enable all authenticated users to gain access to data and use it to deliver the value promised to patients.

Modern data integration solutions enable healthcare units to deliver value and provide high-quality patient care – at speed and scale. How?

Well, modern data integration solutions have capabilities such as automation and self-service that enable even non-technical users to implement data connections and leverage insights to make quality decisions. In doing so, these solutions enable non-techie users to access patient data to address and meet their needs on time. Let’s find out more about how modern data integration solutions help healthcare units deliver value to patients.

  • It empowers non-technical users: Self-service integration solutions enable non-technical users to implement data connections in minutes instead of months. Features, such as pre-built application connectors, shared templates, monitoring dashboards and intuitive screens, and AI-data mapping, enable non-technical users to build integrations in minutes.
  • It onboards patient data up to 80 percent faster: Self-service integration empowers non-technical users to onboard patient data up to 80 percent faster. Users can click and point through easy-to-navigate screens to create onboarding connections in minutes or hours instead of weeks or months of calendar time.
  • It frees up IT headcount: While non-technical users create data connections, IT becomes free to focus on other priority tasks. No longer does IT have to write custom scripts and create extensive data mappings. Instead, it can focus on other high-value tasks.

In short, modern data integration solutions enable healthcare units to leverage complex data streams to deliver the value promised to patients and ultimately high-quality care.