Clearing the Clouds of Confusion: Know Which Integration Approach Suits You

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Picture of Adeptia

B2B integration is a driving force for sustainable business development and growth. It allows enterprises leverage their existing processes, technology, information, and people in order to stay ahead of the curve.

Data integration platforms use data from myriad applications or systems to create accurate actionable insights that empower organizations deliver value to customers. Not to mention, these solutions improve IT productivity and streamline revenue generation.Owing to a multitude of benefits, one must pick the right data integration solution for themselves – one that meets their specific business requirements and helps them drive outcomes.

To make the right decision, you must be aware of the different types of integration implementation methods existing in the business domain.

Generally speaking, implementation methods for integrations can be of 3 types.

  • Turnkey
  • Custom
  • iPaaS

Turnkey Integration Solution

Turnkey integration solution is essentially a ready-to-go “out of the box” solution. It can be quickly implemented into business projects where time, budget, and technical proficiency are an issue.

Turnkey integration platforms offer many advantages from short implementation times to improved support and maintenance. But, when it’s about integrating highly configurable systems such as NetSuite and Salesforce, turnkey solutions lose lustre. Primarily because if the business application process has been customized, the turnkey solution probably won’t work.

So, though turnkey integration methods are tangible and provide immediate pay-offs, they are not suitable for custom-code development.

Custom Integration Solution

Custom integration platform serves to be a bespoke solution for your enterprises and as the name implies – it is a software tailored to your company’s needs.

Companies can either build the solution from scratch or ask the vendor to customize the integration platform as per their needs. Moreover, custom solutions fit the need for businesses that don’t want to pay for licencing.

Custom solutions allow organizations extract seamless insight with minimal effort to promote accurate decision-making as well as enhanced customer experience. In addition, they are easily scalable as per their needs. However, these solutions may have several limitations. If you are creating a solution yourself, upfront costs will be high. It is also a less attractive option for users as it can severely impact IT productivity. Additionally, custom solutions are not agile. For example, if you come up with a change or an issue, you must document and then submit a ticket to your development team. This process is time-consuming. You will have to wait for months to get a simple change in place and the changes will be constant.

iPaaS Solution

iPaaS solutions help seamlessly connect different software applications and synchronize data with minimum IT intervention. As a result, IT productivity increases. They are also highly agile and allow companies introduce changes quickly. In addition, iPaaS solutions enable business grow up to meet demands through real-time visibility and improved decision making. Even though they help enterprises in solving specific challenges with self-service capability, don’t underestimate the complexity that soon builds up. Due to heightened complexity and decreased flexibility, iPaaS can prove to be a problematic solution for many.

Make the Right Choice

Now, that you are aware of the advantages and disadvantages of all three integration implementation techniques, you need to decide which one is best for you. Organizations must exercise sheer diligence by evaluating the needs, based on environment, access to resources, end-objectives. Know that each solution has its own strengths and sweet spots.

Once you pick the right integration solution for your business, it’s likely to take you to new heights for sure.Request a free demo to know what Adeptia offers.

Clearing the Clouds of Confusion: Which Integration Approach Suits