Enterprise integration is a key challenge for many growing organizations. Over time, enterprises have amassed a formidable technology stack that gets stuff done, but might still be limited in the way it integrates with other self-sufficient systems in the enterprise.
While technology integration may be on your radar, do you know where to begin? For most organizations, identification of their integration need would be followed by selection of the right integration platform – and that’s the difficult part. How would you qualify if the multiple integration platforms in the market fit your need?
Don’t fret, Adeptia is at your rescue! We have prepared a checklist that covers essential questions you need to ask while selecting an enterprise-class integration solution. Use our battle-tested integration feature checklist that can help you find with the right integration partner by focusing on the following key integration drivers:
Self Service Integration: Integration doesn’t have to be complex anymore and it should be available for everyone. The right solution enables business users to build integrations and share sustainable benefits. It should allow business users to self-manage data connections with external customers and other applications.
IT Governance: The right integration tool shifts operational workload from IT to business users. Enables IT to focus on governance and drive new business models. A fully governed platform reduces operational costs by 80% and increases profit margins by 20% with better resource utilization.
Monitoring Dashboard: Wizard-driven interface ensures that data transactions are accurate, and not adhoc. Provides easy and simple ways to verify that information was correctly delivered without any problems or errors.
Secure Gateway: A modern-day integration technology enables an end-to-end encrypted environment for all data exchanged between enterprises. All users are individually authorized and authenticated when they are registered and login to the application.
Data Transformation: Carries visual drag-and-drop options for complex data transformation scenarios. Provides data mapping support for all data protocols like FTP, SFTP, HTTPS, Email, REST Web Services etc.
Cloud to Ground Integration: An enterprise-class integration solution should provide the perfect middle ground to combine cloud and ground applications. Enterprises can build composable services, drive innovation, and improve outcomes by combining cloud and on-premise applications in a hybrid ecosystem.
Data Validation: With an enterprise-class solution, a user gets the ability to enforce data validation rules in processes.
Drag & Drop Interface: An end-to-end integration solution carries a centralized drag & drop interface that establishes a single source of truth to allow seamless flow of data between customers and partners.
Triggers and Events: Built-in scheduler runs jobs at certain times and certain events, i.e., whenever a new file is available or a record is updated in an application.
Enterprise Integration Backbone: An enterprise integration solution should be industry proven for all integration scenarios, i.e., b2b integration, data integration, application integration, etc.
Any-to-Any Approach: A modern-day integration approach replaces the traditional point-to-point approach with any-to-any approach. One shared connection helps in getting connected with unlimited partners.