There are B2B solutions, and then there are B2B Gateway solutions that function as your one stop shop for all B2B Integration needs. The B2B Gateway solution is based off of a browser-based, no-code, application where both technical and non-technical users can share and collaborate configurations on how to handle and process EDI and non-EDI data.
You can automate transmission, mapping, and integration to any backend system, whether that is on-premise or in the cloud. For any B2B Gateway solution worth its salt, following are the 8 top features you can’t do without.
Trading Partner Management
A dedicated Trading Partner Management page allows you to keep track of all your trading partners that you are exchanging EDI and non-EDI data with. Basic configuration includes a Partner ID and Host ID with Trading Partner Validation to ensure only valid partners are able to exchange data with you and to make sure configurations are accurate. Adeptia gives you the flexibility to set up valid control numbers as well as include who should be automatically notified if any errors are occurred during EDI processing.
Event and Triggers to Automate EDI Processing
Adeptia can also take care of the secure EDI transmissions by supporting AS2, SFTP, FTPS, HTTPS, and all major communication protocols. EDI processing can be automated by configuring where, when, and which files are picked up to send through the correct configured activities to process your EDI data from end to end.
Schemas to validate EDI and non-EDI data
Schemas can easily be created for EDI and non-EDI data via configuration wizards or simply by uploading files to make sure the files are in the correct format and contain the correct data as expected.
Each schema has its own separate management page, so you can effectively track what type of data each of your Trading Partners are using. Schemas only have to be set up once, and then they can be used for multiple Trading Partners and multiple mappings.
For EDI schemas, Adeptia provides EDI Data Dictionaries that support any version and all their associated transactions that span all industries. So, no matter what transaction or vertical you are in, Adeptia supports the appropriate transaction sets.
Visual Data Mapper to easily map between your EDI and backend systems
Adeptia’s Data Mapper allows you to visually see your source and target schemas and then define your mapping rules with just a drag and drop approach.
Not just the simple one to one mappings, but Adeptia’s Data Mapper also provides easy to use advanced features with pre-built mapping functions, auto-mapping, value maps, templates, and variables to support all of your conversion needs for EDI and non-EDI processing.
Database and Application Connectors to get and load data
No matter where and how you need to store your converted EDI data, Adeptia provides pre-built connectors for databases, ERPs, CRMs, and other industry-specific systems and applications. By defining the mappings and configurations to automatically get data and load data into these backend systems, this greatly simplifies getting your EDI data in the format needed for these disparate systems.
Inbound and Outbound Processing of EDI Transactions
Relationships define how you need to process incoming EDI files via Inbound Relationships and how you need to create and send EDI files via Outbound Relationships.
Relationships can easily be configured by any user, even non-technical business users.
Inbound Relationships involve configuring, via drop-down selections, on how you are receiving data from your Trading Partner, how you are mapping your incoming EDI data, and then sending the converted data to your backend system.
Outbound Relationships are very similar, but just the reverse from your Inbound.
Outbound Relationships involve configuring, again via drop-down menu selections, on how you are getting data from your backend system, how you are mapping to your outgoing EDI data, and then sending the EDI files to your Trading Partner.
Outbound Relationships also include their own ISA Envelopes, so you can define how your EDI files are created and formatted to ensure they meet your Trading Partners’ requirements.
Dedicated B2B Logs with other pre-built Dashboards and Logs
Adeptia’s B2B logs show you details about every inbound and outbound EDI and non-EDI transactions. You can see which transactions were exchanged between each of your Trading Partners and be able to search and filter of what information is pertinent and he need to see at any given time.
You can drill down into the transmission and actual transaction to look at the raw EDI data, key data points, and an audit trail of when and how the EDI transaction was processed.
You have the visibility into every point of the end to end data exchange.
Customer Portal
Adeptia also provides a customer portal as part of your B2B Gateway. This customer portal is optional, but if you need to quickly onboard customer data and provide a self-service platform for your Trading Partners, it may be an integral piece for you to take advantage of.
Adeptia provides a complete B2B Gateway and then some; it can be your one stop shop for all your integration needs!
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