In today’s fast-paced technology landscape, simple IT protocols are key to a business’ ability to respond to market and business demands at a moment’s notice, which in turn, is key to generating more revenue, faster.
Outdated, intricate IT environments often result in a lack of efficiency and productivity across the organization. In addition, complexity increases operational costs and reduces flexibility. Ultimately, this erodes the ability to provide high levels of service and hinders innovation, rendering any company unable to effectively compete in the marketplace.
At the same time, business users are always looking for ways to streamline their workflows, and get more done in a less amount of time. This has become exponentially easier to do with the number of apps and solutions that exist to help employees get their jobs done, including everything from time management cloud applications to CRM applications such as Salesforce.
As a result, IT managers must look for solutions that provide a streamlined framework to address business user innovations. One such tactic that simplifies IT protocols is to eliminate low-level requests. These types of requests prohibit IT professionals from focusing on strategic initiatives and can often be handed off to business users.
By pushing down tasks like data onboarding and mapping to business users, IT has more bandwidth to tackle high-level projects – increasing employee productivity across your business. Additional tactics for simplification include consolidation of applications and platforms in the datacenter, modernizing legacy protocols, leveraging automation and integration tools and simply outsourcing to a third-party provider.
IT complexity is an evolving issue and it is key that IT maintains visibility into data connections across the organization. There are several variables that contribute to dated and less than functional protocols, including the implementation of new technologies, the need to support these new technologies, and rapidly changing requirements. However, organizations must be able to keep up with and support these changes with increasingly sophisticated, yet flexible and simple solutions.