SharePoint Integration

Friday, January 6, 2017

Picture of Adeptia

Adeptia offers a very easy way to connect with MS SharePoint and allows you to integrate with SharePoint data tables and files.

SharePointdata integrationAdapter highlights:

  • Upload and Download files or documents/images to and from SharePoint
  • Insert, Update, Read data from SharePoint tables enabling bi-directional data movement

Using Adeptia SharePoint adapter you can build rich solutions that require tight integration with SharePoint.

Here are the steps for connecting to SharePoint.

Download files from SharePoint

Configure DB Info activity with SharePoint access information as shown in the screenshot below


1. Configure SharePoint connection by going to DB Info activity

Sample jdbc url string;password=myPswd;Share Point Edition=SharePoint Online;Auth Scheme=NONE;URL=;

2. Configure Stored Procedure activity and select DownloadDocument


3. Now let’s design a process flow. Here we are using Put-Context-Var to set the InParams and executing the Store Procedure activity.


Here are the Put-Context-Var settings with hard-coded values.

  • Library is the SharePoint location from where you want to download the file fro SharePoint.
  • RemoteFile is the file you want to pick from SharePoint. It’s hard-coded here but it can also be a context variable.
  • File is the location where you want to place the file locally (download location).

All these parameters can be context-based and can be dynamically set at run-time.


Here is a sample Download InParams variable setting:

Parameter NameValueService.SPActivityName.InParams.Library$$customfilelibraryname$$Service.SPActivityName.InParams.RemoteFile$$customfilename$$Service.SPActivityName.InParams.File.\Solutions\myLocalFolder\$$customfilename$$

Upload files to SharePoint

Use the same step #1 above to configure connection to SharePoint. You can reuse the connection once it’s already created for the above scenario.

1. Configure Stored Procedure Activity and select SharePoint’s UploadDocument.


2.Now let’s design process flow. Here we are using Put-Context-Var to set the InParams and executing the Store Procedure activity.


Here are the PutcontextVar properties.


Parameter NameValueService.SPActivityName.InParams.File$$filePath$$Service.SPActivityName.InParams.LibraryDocuments/VanguardService.SPActivityName.InParams.Name$$fileName$$Service.SPActivityName.InParams.MetadataName#TitleService.SPActivityName.InParams.MetadataValue#Adeptia

Connecting to SharePoint Data Tables

Connecting to SharePoint data tables is straight-forward. Simply go to the Schema > Adv Database Schema and select the tables that are needed to either read data or to insert/update the data records.

Here’s a screenshot that shows how to connect to data tables.
