Set up HIPAA Transactions and Onboard New Trading Partners

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Picture of Raman Singh
Raman Singh

Adeptia provides an easy-to-use browser-based interface for business users to setup HIPAA and X12 transactions with multiple trading partners. Suppose you are part of a large Dental Insurance company and have a need to automate the exchange of HIPAA 834 Benefit Enrollments, HIPAA 837 Claims, HIPAA 276/277 Claim Inquiry transactions with health care providers.

In Adeptia, users can go to the Trading Partner Management portal and create multiple trading partners and configure both inbound and outbound transactions. The Trading Partner Management portal is a centralized repository that shows the number of configured trading partners and their inbound/outbound relationships (as shown below).


Filling up the setup form as shown below can configure trading partner relationships. User selects the type of HIPAA transaction that needs to be automated, and also trigger and mapping needed to convert data into the backend system. Once the relationship is configured, the trigger would poll for incoming files and kick-off the related relationships based on the document type.


Adeptia provides a rich dashboard capability that shows the transactions based on volume, trading partners and message types. Users can also create custom reports in PDF and Excel. In addition to the reports, users can search B2B logs based on key fields such as Claim Number, Order Number, Policy Number, Invoice Number and other custom fields.


As part of client onboarding, Adeptia provides robust B2B Integration capabilities that reduce time and cost to onboard new partners. It supports self-servicing, data transmission, data validation, correction and re-submission of erroneous data along with end-to-end visibility of the process, and collaboration.

Set up HIPAA Transactions and Onboard New Trading Partners | Adeptia