Removing the API Obstacle

Friday, July 28, 2023

Picture of Andrew Griffin
Andrew Griffin

At Adeptia, our mission is to provide our customers with a B2B methodology to manage large and diverse customer networks in a way that allows them to grow effectively, leverage their existing workforce, maximize profits, and provide a superior customer experience.

In doing so, we find ourselves solving the same challenges for businesses across all markets. Many of these challenges involve diverse customer communities, silo’d B2B methodologies, over-reliance on IT for management of B2B processes, inadequate or non-existent onboarding strategies, and technological resources without the vision and collaboration required to successfully execute on a B2B strategy.

This is why we’ve launched a new series featuring how Adeptia solves these B2B challenges for our customers. One such example is the way that Adeptia recently helped a full-service Human Resources (HR) firm address problems associated with API capability. The difficulty involved many of the firm’s mid-sized customers wanting to connect via API to submit payroll data.

This is not an uncommon issue, considering that API connections frequently cause issues for business-to-business (B2B) connectivity due to custom architecture, authorization policies, API keys, and constant revisions to API code. In fact, most API solutions rely on old-school programming and are designed for developers. Nevertheless, customers wanting to connect via API require companies to possess and support API capability.

For this HR firm, Adeptia’s solution was exactly what they were looking for – an innovative solution in the form of a business application rather than a developer tool. The solution, Adeptia Connect™, is a cloud-based integration hub with a pre-built library of connectors. API strategies are incorporated directly into Adeptia Connect, so that APIs are simply another method of connecting along with XML, web services, cloud applications, portals, email, etc.

Adeptia Connect has thoroughly eliminated the API obstacle for this company, but its implementation has had implications and benefits beyond just ease of connectivity for their clients. For example, the seamless connections relieved the time, effort, and cost burden that the firm’s smallest clients often caused because of their limited IT capabilities. Adeptia has also positively impacted daily operations by enabling business users to partner with IT to own the B2B communication process. Ultimately, Adeptia Connect empowered the firm to enhance its reputation as a customer-friendly company committed to leveraging technology to build long-term relationships.

To understand more about how Adeptia addressed this company’s API obstacle and see the benefits the company is currently experiencing, click below to download the Case Study.