Adeptia Connect, our new business application designed for non-technical business users, has updated with a bunch of new features! This is the first release since our initial product launch a couple of weeks ago.
Here are the key improvements in Adeptia Connect:
- Ease of use improvements:
- Updated tutorial videos
- Better in-app notifications to guide users through next steps
- Browser Back and Forward button support
- Browser Refresh button support
- Better experience when using our app on the iPad
- Simplified Data Mapper: Automatically handles complex mapping of hierarchies by auto-inserting for each rules in the maps. This reduces the level of knowledge needed for mapping.
- Re-run Connection: In case of any error, users can re-run a connection to reprocess a file
- New app connectors: Concur, Magento and BigCommerce apps are now supported
- Network and Trading Partner Management:
- Ability to revoke access: If a company no longer does business with another company, they can revoke access to their adapters.
- Easily send messages to all companies in your network
- Messages: Instant push messages in the Message Center
- Additional features to support Web Services in the Connection and Adapter
- Application System Admin features:
- Upload company logo to assist new companies with getting started
- Send system notifications to all users such as maintenance messages etc.
- Report to show usage details view of any customer
Be on the lookout for more Adeptia Connect updates in the very near future!