Integration with FIX API and FIX Data Standards

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Picture of Adeptia

Electronic communications protocol FIX (Financial Information eXchange) allows brokers and trading platforms to communicate with each other and exchange messages related to securities transactions. It’s based on real-time TCP/IP socket connection and the session is persisted during the data exchange between the two entities.

Adeptia ESBprovides out-of-the-box FIX protocol adapter and FIX standards data dictionary that allows Brokers and Trading Platforms to establish real-time pre-trade and trade communication and integration of FIX data with any application in minutes. Adeptia ESB provides FIX data mappings and FIX session configuration interface to establish a connection, manage acknowledgments and conversion of FIX data to any format.


FIX data standards can vary based on the different versions such as 4.2 or 5.0 etc. There’s information available on the web that describes the different FIX message formats. For more information please refer to

Adeptia data mapper supports all versions of FIX data conversion and provides an easy graphical interface to allow business users to map the FIX data to any application format. Mapping functions such as converting or normalizing symbology, cross reference codes, API connection to currency/financial web services (such as Xignite, Dun and Bradstreet) and other integration functions are available in Adeptia ESB. Additional feature of Persistence is included in terms of storing execution meta-data in log file so that the transmission can be recovered in case of interruption.

Some of the additional factors in choosing FIX Engine are:

High availability, Load Balancing

  • Support of high volume through high availability and load balancing. Adeptia supports clustering.

Speed and robustness

  • Transaction speed in terms of number of connections that can be executed at a given time
  • Redundancy through load balancing or clustered deployment of Adeptia ESB

Encryption options

  • HTTP/S over SSL
  • Data encryption