How Integration Can Future-Proof Your Business

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Picture of Mange Ram Tyagi
Mange Ram Tyagi
Woman wearing mixed reality smartglasses touching transparent screen

Have you ever wondered what manufacturing companies, fast food retailers, healthcare providers have in common?

Well, they all need to access data in order to deliver on mission-critical and time-sensitive initiatives.

For example, manufacturing firms need ERP data to streamline supply chain systems such as to stock up retailers. Fast food units encompass food delivery applications and connect their backend systems to these apps for data including, offers, orders, and location. Hospitals need EHR data to address patient requests for medical testing. And to have access to all such data, an integration platform is needed. By providing centralized data access, integration solutions can accelerate growth through improved compliance, governance, security.

Discover how integration is critical to keeping organizations and communities moving forward.

Getting Ahead of Disruption with Integration

In the current digital world, the number of apps, data, devices continues to rise and disruption never ceases to stop. Events and crises, such as COVID-19, forever alter customer habits and impact existing value chains. As a result, enterprise chains are increasingly experiencing new and existing challenges, like ensuring business continuity, strengthening the digital workforce with new ways of working, and undergoing a transformation.

For surviving such unanticipated conditions, enterprises must act prudently yet aggressively to cut down the impact on their business as well as operations. However, a lot of enterprises are struggling to adapt because their IT teams and technological resources aren’t able to accommodate the change. Here lies the value of an integration solution.

Integration platform act as a catalyst for change, enabling companies empower digital capabilities and transforming IT operations in order to increase speed and agility. It enables enterprises connect their data from any system and transform IT with ease, making them easier to do business with. The end result is companies become more responsive, resilient, and efficient.

Increasing the Value with Integration

Data integration platforms allow businesses foster a truly agile system that thrives on communication, collaboration, and connection. It saves time, streamlines processes, and minimizes errors to drive efficiency, generate more revenue, and meet ever-changing customer needs.Here are three ways integration can benefit enterprises:

  • Most companies rely on paper, spreadsheets, and manual processes for their business that is inherently slow and inefficient. Automated solutions such as data integration platforms help companies streamline their business processes and workflows, in turn making them faster, error-free, and efficient.
  • Integration platforms with ERP create a system that can easily grow and adapt to change to maintain high performance in today’s times of uncertainty and disruptions. It does so by providing a unified view of data as well as operations. Companies can, therefore, maximize certain aspects including, forecasting, inventory management, purchasing, and labor management to adapt to changes and innovations that occur in the current business environment. Plus, with a complete, real-time view of business, firms can make smarter decisions and develop a more competitive, future-proof IT strategy.
  • The integration allows companies view both business and IT sides as a cohesive instead of separate entities. This enables companies proceed into the digital and cloud-powered age with precision and speed. With a cohesive mindset, companies can become smart, agile and aligned, in order to compete in an increasingly dynamic and fragmented market. An integrated business planning environment aids this requirement by aligning operational and financial planning processes for better business outcomes.

To conclude, businesses can easily adapt to change for becoming more agile, resilient, and efficient using data integration. Truth is, integration platforms allow businesses integrate systems and unify data with reusable APIs, so they can easily compose connected experiences while maintaining security and control. In addition, they play a central role in accelerating digital transformation and enabling businesses function in an environment where change is happening in increasingly compressed timescales.

How Integration Can Future-Proof Your Business | Adeptia