How Adeptia Simplifies the Path to Legacy Modernization

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Picture of Sunil Hans
Sunil Hans

Legacy modernization is rampant across all industries and enterprises are investing heavily in new technologies for better efficiency and lower operational cost. During this exodus, many essential components like local file servers or domain controllers are left behind. It can be hard to port these elements into newer models as this process involves intimidating level of coding and several footprints.

In many scenarios, the internal processes of enterprises are often too complicated. IT teams realize that duplicating operations and fragmented systems are too hard to be connected. Enterprises don’t have enough technically-skilled employees to follow changes and minimize their impact.

In an evolving market landscape, these challenges to modernization can rob you of your competitive edge. Organizations that fail to modernize in time face multiple challenges that ultimately impact their bottom line.

To succeed, enterprises need to get on top of this disruption and embrace it to gain a competitive edge. With Adeptia, enterprises get all these abilities and become easier to do business with to grab more market share.

Turn the Fear of Disruption into a Competitive Advantage

Adeptia enables organizations to reach a state of modernization-readiness and converts the fear of disruption into a competitive advantage. It makes legacy modernization frictionless, while ensuring that the transformation is in the right direction at broadest levels.

At its core, there is a powerful engine which bundles business processes, technologies, and, business systems into loosely coupled services. Enterprises can leverage this platform to set up a connected enterprise which is driven by data, secured by technology, and optimized by automation.

Adeptia makes archaic & rigid processes cost-effective, faster, and less dependent on manual effort. It provides capabilities to modernize monolithic silo-based systems by easily integrating them with new platform based components.

This advantage enables a modernization from inside where data flows seamlessly across larger ecosystems. Continuous engagement and connections with partners helps enterprises in delivering a delightful customer experience. Enterprises can transact data faster, become easier to work with, and gain a strategic advantage.

Adeptia helps in leveraging both new and old world technologies, uncovering efficiencies, and driving innovation. It provides a secure method of moving applications and application components from behind a firewall to a new ecosystem. It allows users to integrate applications, data & processes in a complex environment.

Adeptia lets users plan their shift from on-premise architectures to a hybrid integration model where enterprise systems can interoperate with other applications.

Self-service capabilities allow users to automate entire processes and customize them as per specific business needs. For instance, a sales process with legacy data can be upgraded for tracking leads, delivering a powerful user experience, generating dashboards reports, etc.

It provides instant back-end assistance to integrate service cloud with a financial system in a way that customer relationship managers have all the information at their fingertips. This enables CRM’s to address customer needs in a better way and improve their experience. They can embed special features into the service layer like Live Agent, smart routing, knowledge base, etc., to deliver services in an optimal way.

With Adeptia, the fear of legacy modernization can be turned into a competitive advantage for better business outcome and bigger market share.