Adeptia Connect makes it very easy for your company to expand your B2B Trading Partner network by inviting new companies such as suppliers and granting them access to connections that would allow them to exchange EDI and non-EDI data with your company.
Let’s suppose your company is a large distributor of food products and has published an “Order to Cash” process consisting of three shared connections for your suppliers to utilize:
- 1.Download Purchase Order: Your supplier receives a PO from your company
- 2.Upload Invoice: Your supplier sends an Invoice for that PO to your company
- 3.Upload ASN: Your supplier sends an Advanced Shipment Notice to your company.
A business user in your company can go to Network and invite Companies to register into your partner network and allow these partners to start exchanging data with your company through the shared connections.
(Figure 1 – Inviting new trading partners to join your B2B network)
Once the trading partners are added to your network, you can grant access to the specific connections that would allow partners to exchange EDI and non-EDI data with your company.
(Figure 2 – Granting access to a trading partner for your shared connections)
Granting access to your shared connections makes it easy for the trading partner to subscribe and start utilizing the connection and exchange business data. For example, if we have granted access to “Download Purchase Order”, “Upload Invoice” and “Upload Shipment Notice” connections to a supplier, then the supplier would see these three connections in their Adeptia Connect account, as shown below.
Now the supplier simply goes through a self-service process of subscribing to these connections and automates the data exchange. The download PO would be in a format that can be easily integrated with QuickBooks or Xero. Similarly, by subscribing to the “Upload Invoice” connection, Adeptia Connect can automatically take a new Invoice generated in QuickBooks and route it to your company. Along with the power of full Adeptia Solution, the incoming Invoice from the supplier can be translated into an IDOC and mapped to SAP or the Invoice can be converted into an Oracle EBS Invoice record and posted into your company’s Oracle EBS system.
The data routing, translation and delivery of the partner data can be automated as part of a process flow that is triggered whenever a partner initiates the data exchanges your company. In the process flow, we can add routing rules, data transformation rules and error handling rules in order to manage exceptions that may result from an invalid data record or process failures.
Along with rich dashboard capability, Adeptia Connect provides visibility to each transaction execution that the business users can monitor and track.