Digital Transformation: Know How Embedded Integration Solution is the Impetus for Change

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Picture of Adeptia

With technology and businesses changing at a blistering pace and the rising need to embrace open source innovation, Digital Transformation is emerging as a stone that enterprises can employ to unseat massive Goliaths.

A certain section of this trade, pursuing business expansion still consider Digital Transformation as an alien concept, while some dread it. But, the truth is whether you like it or not, digital transformation is inevitable.

Digital Transformation: The Holy Grail of Enterprise Success

One of the major contributions of Digital Transformation and associated cultural and technology changes like DevOps is the reintroduction of the joy of creating code unlike in the infrastructure-focused environment, wherein developers lost the sense of their code owing to long release cycles.

Digital Transformation is instrumental to release applications faster, and the increased speed has a purpose. Put differently, digital transformation’s outcome – speed – allows rapid innovation, novel features, and an ability to test ideas that are new.

Further, Digital Transformation fosters agility in enterprises which is the key element to surviving in the age of technological hairpin turns.

The significance of agility has been recognized by industry giants by and large. Dr Brigit Koenig, CEO of German’s Allianz Health, said, “It’s never over. There is always change and always more to do.”-which directly implies that agility is one of the biggest rewards of digital transformation.

Ultimately, Digital Transformation helps businesses in forging strong relationships with their customers by bridging the enormous gap created between them.

Nevertheless, to say the business world is not the same before Digital Transformation ushered in, is an understatement; the world is all the more connected and productive than ever before.

Digital Transformation: How to proceed

“Businesses don’t transform by choice because it is expensive and risky. Businesses go through transformation whenthey have failed to evolve”.

There is no single architectural pattern of a technology platform that suits every single environment. Apparently, Digital Transformation is a walk in the park for enterprises that are aware of their goals and culture in entirety.

For a majority of organizations, especially those who fail, taking binary initiatives to achieve Digital Transformation is essential- either age-old or new. However, with such an approach organization may die miserably; binary initiatives prove to become a company’s Achilles heel.

So, how to proceed for digital transformation still remains a question.

Darwin’s theory, survival of the fittest based on the natural catalyst, “change”, is befitting in the business environment as well. Firms aiming to reach Digital Transformation ought to take it as a continuum, with various phases along the way that enable the following stage of evolution.

While the phases may differ in terms of the numbers or nature, one aspect remains common- businesses need to employ SaaS solutions as the first step towards Digital Transformation. In fact, SaaS is the key enabler of digital transformation for businesses whether small or big.

Let us see how?

SaaS: Democratizing Digital Transformation

SaaS is no more a bolt-on phenomenon to achieve success in the business realm-it is a prerequisite step for Digital Transformation.

SaaS help enterprises to embark their journey of Digital Transformation by ensuring a service economy by creating avenues and digital services for the consumers. To boot, it creates frictionless ways of offering an organization’s products and services to the respective customers which can be delivered to the customers over the internet, resulting in ease and ubiquitous access.

Also, SaaS solutions allow broader access to consumers. It offers companies required scalability, cost-effectiveness, and elasticity to function optimally.

To conclude, SaaS exhibits a democratizing effect on the business by enabling the largest number of users to more quickly and dramatically improve their work output.

Hence, IT leaders, are wrapping their arms around SaaS solutions to ensure that effective technology investmentsare being made to drive the enterprise into digital. But SaaS solutions has many fallacies, here are some:

Fallacies of SaaS

  • Complex customer integrations
  • Inefficient onboarding
  • Unmanageable costs
  • Large size of data that is hard to tackle
  • Delays in service delivery due to IT doing onboarding
  • Lack of control & security

The fallacies of SaaS ultimately impact the agility of the enterprise; odds are that attaining Digital Transformation remains a fancy. To overcome the pitfalls of SaaS and drive digital transformation, one needs to rely on a proper Embedded Integration approach using iPaaS.

Embedded Integration Approach: The Game Changer

“Agile companies don’t throw spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks; they think of smarter ways to make spaghetti”.

The challenges of SaaS solutions can be successfully met by undertaking an Embedded Integration approach with iPaaS (cloud-based Integration platform-as-a-service). It connects systems together, whether on-premise or in the cloud and enables firms working with SaaS to deliver better value to their customers. Embedded Integration platform helps in automating complex integrations thereby empowering Digital Transformation.

We, at Adeptia, strongly believe that nothing happens in a vacuum. Digital transformation is not difficult to achieve should a robust Embedded Integration approach using iPaaS is in place.

With pre-built connectors, shared templates, application connectors, reusable components and more, our Embedded Integration solution increases the agility, flexibility, scalability, security, turn-around-revenue, and makes businesses easier to business with-leading to Digital Transformation success.