Digital Retail Landscape: Bracing for a Turbulent Future

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Picture of Sunil Hans
Sunil Hans

Retail Industry has undergone a boom & bust revolution and it continues to transform as you bat your eyelid. Rules are changed, innovations have transformed ways a product is marketed or sold. Smart retailers are those who are highly innovative, sharp on the uptake, business-oriented,and networking conscious. Others who have not adjusted to this change are treading on water.

However, adopting new technologies in the ecosystem can be a fraught business and there is serious substance to it. New tech adoption has not worked out well for many companies. Enterprises need to tailor their IT for the digital age.

Retailers need to follow some best practices to avoid setbacks, spur innovation, and improve bottom-line.

Connecting the Dots

Today’s online e-commerce business is actually an aggregate of multichannel point of sale systems. Differences between virtual and physical stores lead to customer abandonment. Cross-channel purchases can be improved if cross-channel views and patterns respond in a coordinated fashion across all touchpoints. Successful retailers integrate their multi-channel & core management processes in a way that they work in a standardized manner across all lines of business.

Increasing Collaboration

It is hard to imagine a digital ecosystem where work is siloed and spread across different departments. Simply deploying new technologies won’t drive results and it can do more harm than good. Therefore, retailers need to ensure cross-department collaboration to be great at change.

Retailers should hone-in a collaboration strategy that brings customers, employees,suppliers, third-party resellers, etc. on one single page. A secure business portal can help retailers bringing individuals from different individuals from different disciple on one single platform. This is a great advantage from the IT standpoint. It enables developers and operations teams to respond deftly to outages, and ramp up onerous & time-consuming tasks.

Improving Customer Experience

Retailers lose a great deal of conversion opportunities in the abyss of poor customer engagement. On the contrast, good customer experience helps in smoothing the lead to client conversion path.

That’ why retailers need to have a look at ways for creating more meaningful and deepening relations with customers. They need to run like a well-oiled machine for engaging and managing customer relationships.

Personalized shopping experiences like personalized coupons, AI-powered shopping assistants, flexible buying options, etc. can help enterprises in ensuring that no opportunities are left behind on the table.

Factoring these practices into the ever-changing retail landscape is not simple, but it is possible. Adeptia provides next-generation retail integration accelerators that enable business users to build integration workflows, automate manual processes and staying ahead of the curve.

Download this Whitepaper to know how Adeptia retail integration can bring about immense commercial benefits to your organization.

Digital Retail Landscape: Bracing for a Turbulent Future | Adeptia