Creating EDI Inbound and Outbound Transactions

Monday, July 15, 2019

Picture of Raman Singh
Raman Singh
How Technological Innovation is Driving Enterprise Integration Needs

With Adeptia’s B2B Integration solution, business teams can use pre-existing templates to configureEDIinbound and outbound transactions. Adeptia supports traditional EDI standards such as ANSI X12, EDIFACT as well as a variety of proprietary standards such as NACHA, BAI, SAP IDoc (both flat file and XML versions) and other formats & protocols including direct JDBC database insertions, JMS message queuing, REST/SOAP web service calls, AS2, SFTP, Email, and flat file formats.

Adeptia also assists in the reconciliation of EDI transactions. The application assists with providing key data points to custom reports that show 2-way and 3-way matching, in order to verify if the appropriate Purchase Order was received and related Invoice was sent along with any applicable Advance Shipment Notice.Real-timevisibility of EDI transactions help the Operations and Support teams to effectively respond to customer calls and requests for status updates on a given transaction.This allows companies to meet customer requirements easily, improving their experience and satisfaction.

One of the key features in Adeptia mapping and data transformation function is that it also addresses the management of EDI Maps and leveraging of existing translation rules across multiple trading partner data files. By creating template maps, teams can re-use common or “super” map on a new map. This strategy helps accelerate the implementation of EDI maps and makes the creation of new maps much more easy and manageable. With the introduction of Machine Learning into the Mapping interface, the Adeptia application provides suggestions to users based on high, medium and low confidence scores on a given element. With the help of Machine Learning technology, users can utilize Mapper’s iMap feature to automatically map the target elements.

Another aspect of the Adeptia application is the use of AS2 protocol to connect to Trading Partners. Adeptia provides AS2 connector that allows users to set up managed file transfers and track the EDI inbound and outbound transactions. AS2 connector includes logs and reporting that provides full visibility into the data exchange and status of each transaction. With the help of AS2, Adeptia provides an alternative solution to expensive VANs that charge based on kilo characters and this becomes cost-prohibitive over time.