Boosting Customer Retention with Large File Data Ingestion & Streaming

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Picture of Adeptia

As organizations today move away from relying on “spray and pray” tactics toward individualized customer experience, there is a need to recognize and relate to customers and acknowledge their demands with contextual relevancy throughout buyer journey.

Hence, identifying customer needs has become a marketing imperative, and as a foundational step, it all starts with making better.

Data onboarding strengthens your relationship with the customer which directly impacts the retention rate, time-to-revenue, and productivity. In fact, it can make or break the lifetime customer value (LCV) as well as your business value. When done incorrectly, the steep cost of customer acquisition, overhead costs of costly hardware appliances, and more can become a drag on your bottom line.

Onboarding is the New Conversion

Alec Baldwin famous statement, “coffee’s for closers”, in the classic motion pictureGlengarry Glen Ross,clearly emphasizes how important closing a deal is – converting a prospective lead into a customer. Until then, you are not worthy of a coffee or in the business context, savor the taste of success.

Conversion rates can be augmented by creating stronger onboarding experiences with customers. With an effective onboarding solution, businesses can up the lead conversion rates almost 45% by Parsing, Processing, Transforming and Delivering large streams of data of 10s to 100s of GBs anddata sets in a short span of time.

Not to mention, the need to rely on a specialized custom code or hardware appliance can be completely ruled out to bring overhead costs to a bare minimum.

Higher conversion rates help enterprises drive revenue and business productivity.

Onboarding is a Churn-Killer Machine

Better onboarding framework serves as an excellent churn-killer as:

➢ It helps businesses access qualitative data that can be used to optimize product and onboarding flows over time in order to maximize loyalty.

➢ It offers businesses to establish and maintain real, transparent communication with the customer to gain insights about the product at hand. This impacts the renewal rate as well.

Optimizing Customer Experience with Adeptia’s Large File Data Ingestion and Streaming

The manual or hardware-based approach of business data onboarding can make the process, complex, inefficient and costly.

The role of Adeptia’s large file data ingestion and streaming feature comes into play here. With our latest innovation, tackling massive data and managing data streams to offer an outstanding customer onboarding experience has become easier than ever before. It is scalable, easy-to-set-up, fully-managed, and fault-tolerant to boot.

USP:What makes it unique is its capability is not just related to Big Data use-cases.

Watch our latest Webinar: “Make Business Data Onboarding Better by 10x with Large File Data Ingestion and Streaming” to know the hows, whys, and whats of Adeptia’s Large File Data Ingestion and Streaming now!