Adeptia WOTC Solution

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Picture of Deepak Singh
Deepak Singh

Adeptia provides a fully automated solution for employers to submit and process Federal WOTC applications. The solution automatically validates and produces approval/rejection certificates and notifies employers of their application status.

The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) is a Federal tax credit program managed by all the fifty States and is available to all employers for hiring individuals from certain target groups who have faced barriers to employment. WOTC program facilitates access to good jobs for American workers.

Employers can hire eligible employees from the following target groups for WOTC:

  • Unemployed or Disabled Veterans
  • Needy Families receiving Temporary Assistance (TANF)
  • Recipients on Food Stamps (SNAP)
  • Residents living in Empowerment Zones or Rural Renewal Counties
  • Individuals referred by Vocational Rehabilitation agencies
  • Recipients of Supplemental Security Income
  • Summer Youth Employees living in Empowerment Zones
  • Recipients of Qualified Long-Term Unemployment
  • Ex-Felons

With Adeptia’s WOTC solution, both the application submission steps and the application processing steps are streamlined and automated. Employers and their outsourced Payroll services providers can submit WOTC application either individually by filling the online IRS Form 8850 (Pre-Screening Notice and Certification Request for the Work Opportunity Credit) or by uploading bulk applications in Excel or CSV files. The Adeptia WOTC solution takes these applications and processes them immediately by first validating the data and then checking with State of Illinois systems to verify the employee information to recommend approval or denial of the application. Once WOTC staff reviews and accepts the Adeptia WOTC system recommendation, the certification notices are generated. Employers can download the certificates from the platform through secure login and can also check the status of any pending application. Rich dashboards provide full reporting capability to the State WOTC program manager with features to generate audit reports.

Key benefits of the Adeptia WOTC solution are:

  1. 1.Fully Automated System: Adeptia helps States in automating WOTC form submission process. Adeptia WOTC platform synchronizes with the State’s backend “system of records” to ensure that application validation and eligibility decisions are performed correctly.
  2. 2.Reports & Dashboards: The system provides full visibility to both the State program manager and the employers on their application status. Employer’s can download the eligibility certificates from the platform and also receive the certificates via email.
  3. 3.Scalability: Employers can submit bulk data files containing multiple applications. System can handle thousands of applications in minutes.
  4. 4.Workflows: Solution provides full workflow capability allowing State’s Department of Employment Security to route applications to clerks for additional validations, corrections and resubmissions.
  5. 5.Quality of Service: State of Illinois provides a high quality of service to its employers and many payroll providers have given testimonials that the State of Illinois WOTC program is the fastest and most accurate WOTC program that they have worked with.