Process automation technology should be accessible, affordable, and easy to both manage and use. More than anything else, it must be effective. These and other attributes are readily available in Adeptia’s Hybrid Option. This solution automates workflow, enhances thorough documentation, and helps identify means of cutting costs. Furthermore, it is web-based, so installation is unnecessary. Continue reading to learn more about the ways Adeptia can effectively and efficiently help you run a smooth and successful business.
What is Business Process Management?
In technical terms, business process management (BPM) is a way of looking at and then controlling the processes that are present in an organization. In practical terms, it means simplifying existing processes to make an organization more effective and cost-efficient.
For a company to pursue BPM, there must be a corporate mindset regarding the well-being of the entire organization. It is not an annual review or meeting; it’s a continuous evaluation of the total flow of interrelated processes. According to the Association for Information and Image Management, BPM follows the following steps:
- Analyze
- Re-design and model
- Implement
- Monitor
- Manage
- Automate
The 7 Keys to Effective Business Process Management
For a company to implement effective BPM it must have an environment conducive to the execution of analysis, re-design, implementation, monitoring, managing, and automation. Here are seven keys to successful business process management:
1) Centralization:Above all else, BPM requires centralization. Centralization is needed from both the human elements and the technology elements and a lack of it can seriously compromise the success of an organization. There should be a ‘steering group’ responsible for overseeing the implementation of BPM, as well as an effective, automated solution. The latter is where our Business Process Management Suite comes into play.
2) Understanding:In order to get the most out of BPM, a company needs to have a solid understanding of its structure, processes, and applications. This will allow for easier analysis and implementation of improvements.
3) No Silos:A company must be fully integrated in order to truly pursue BPM. This means no isolated processes, information, or applications should exist within a business’s structure. At Adeptia, everything we do is geared toward integrating processes and solutions.
4) Accuracy:Companies cannot afford guesswork when so much is at stake. Successful BPM should allow for accurate estimates, process simulations, and real-time tracking.
5) Security:When using a BPM program, there has to be a significant level of trust and confidence in the reliability and security of a company’s information. Because BPM touches on all levels of a company’s finances, processes, and designs, BPM solutions should keep information secure within the internal network.
6) Flexibility:When turning a business over to a BPM solution, any number of issues will be uncovered. It is important for businesses to remain flexible and adaptable to change. BPM is only as effective as a company’s willingness to make necessary changes and alterations.
7) Perspective:Because BPM attempts to serve so many different parts of an organization, there must be a certain level of patience and perspective when it comes to the process. It is a continuous process that must be worked with over a period of time.
Overview of Adeptia’s Hybrid Option
At Adeptia, we have developed the “Hybrid Option” as a web-based solution designed to model, automate, and monitor business processes in a highly effective, cost-efficient manner.
Our software is installed on a company’s internal servers and is easily accessible via an internet connection and web browser. Once installed, it can be completely managed, operated, and maintained by the client organization. Key features of the BPM Suite are typically organized into three categories:
- Model. Rules-Based Routing allows for complex business processes and procedures to be effectively automated in real-time process flows. Process Simulation is built into the Process Designer and allows business analysts to identify bottlenecks and optimize accordingly. The Process Modeler is a tool that can create and document processes in easy-to-read, highly graphic, intuitive designs.
- Automate. With Workflow Automation, BPM Suite allows manual human workflow tasks to be automated and simplified. Forms Designer capabilities allow for easy development of rich web 2.0 forms and sophisticated designs. To properly track documents related to processing flows, the Document Management feature allows users toata securely upload and download documents.
- Monitor. Monitoring is just as important as modeling and automating. With the built-in Task Manager solution, business users can stay on top of tasks based on priorities, due dates, and any number of other factors. Activity Monitoring lets managers stay on top of process flows, while the Reports and Dashboards let users create rich reports in various pre-defined templates.
Benefits of our Hybrid Option
With so many features and functions included in the suite, it should come as no surprise that the benefits are seemingly endless. The most attractive attributes are its ease of use, quick installation and implementation, cost-effectiveness, and low maintenance. Because our software is so intuitive, responsive, and graphics-driven, the learning curve is extremely low. This makes it ideal for organizations with little time to devote to training.
A number of companies and organizations have benefited greatly from Adeptia. Commonly solved problems and issues include better process design and modeling, improved workflow automation, increased competitive advantage, better operation efficiency, and consistency.
Adeptia for BPM is the Answer
At Adeptia, we’ve seen success firsthand. Our suite has allowed a number of both small and large corporations to improve efficiency, reduce overhead, and increase cash flow. If you are interested in learning more about the Adeptia but don’t know where to start, begin with watching some of our brief demo videos. These will provide a better picture of the need for business integration and automation. Better yet, consider downloading a free 30-day trial for an in-depth look at how this comprehensive solution actually works.
About Adeptia
At Adeptia, we believe in leading the way. We are committed to leading the integration revolution and do so by providing functional, integrative products at affordable prices. Because our technology is 100% web-based, it can be easily implemented into any business’s existing platform. Contact us today to find out why companies like Pepsi, General Motors, and Mercedes Benz trust us with their data connectivity solutions.