We know you’re busy, so we’re here to help. Here’s our digest of the 5 most important cloud and data integration articles published last week, in case you missed them:
1. Article: Going hybrid: How to integrate cloud and on-premises resources
a. Publication: ZDnet.com
b. Takeaway: Use an IPaaS
2. Article: Integrating Supply Chain Solutions on the Cloud (Part 1)
a. Publication: Cloudtweaks.com
b. Takeaway: Sales & Operations Planning tools continue to evolve, but still remain in silos and difficult to be tightly integrated. Therefore, simply maturing into using S&OP applications as a single standalone entity is not enough…the maturity of your “ecosystem” of partners, suppliers, and logistics providers matters greatly as well.
3. Article: Cloud Integration is Great! But what about data gravity?
a. Publication: tejasoracle.wordpress.com
b. Takeaway: Author Tejas Joshi shows us an interesting way to consider whether integration capabilities should be on-prem or in the cloud using the concept of “data gravity.”
4. Article: Crush conflict, boost revenue with API Management Strategy
a. Publication: searchcloudcomputing.techtarget.com
b. Takeaway: To avoid internal conflict and drive revenues, companies need to manage, secure, and authenticate their APIs.
5. Article: 7 Compelling Reasons to Automate Your Order to Cash Process
a. Publication: blog.onprompt.com
b. Takeaway: You’d be downright myopic not to see the myriad benefits of automating
We’ll be back again next week with our weekly roundup of useful articles you may have overlooked onyour path to dominating at your job.
For more interesting articles on cloud integration solutions, check out: