3 Integration Capabilities that will Help B2B Enterprises Stand Out in 2019

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Picture of Sunil Hans
Sunil Hans

Enterprises are deploying B2B data integration solutions but they don’t know how to scale them for getting a competitive edge. Initially, the solutions they deploy look attractiveand promiseease-of-use and greater control. But over time, these solutions lose lustre and teams find the same old problems which they faced earlier with conventional approaches. They revert to the old models as they fail to extract the ROI out of them. Therefore, enterprises should keep up their B2B models for harnessing more value out of them.

More sophisticated B2B data integration features have emerged over time, and bare minimum features are no longer enough. Here are 3 leading B2B integration trends that can help enterprises to win out:

Partner to Partner Data Integration: This is a new capability in the hub based B2B integration models. It allows hub (enterprises) in a complex B2B network to build connections between spokes (partners) and assume a governance role. This capability allows partners in a complex network to interact and deliver better services. Enterprises can collaborate and deliver services faster at a lower IT cost.

Large file Data Integration: Enterprises are generating huge chunks of data while executing business transactions. Experts believe that nearly 2.5 quintillions bytes of data is being generated in a day. Most of this data arrives in structured, unstructured, and heterogeneous data format. Streaming huge workloads in diverse formats can be tricky as well as painful. Enterprises can use appliances for moving this data but these solutions entail complex coding and cost. Separate databases and IT teams are required to process this data. All these challenges can be counteracted with the help of large file data ingestion and streaming capability — a software-based data processing feature. It helps in processing huge chunks of data without additional cost and setup.

Self-Service Data Integration: Another relevant capability is business user capability for building integrations. API or Point to Point coding led constructs are based on costly coding and set up. Enterprises need to build IT teams from the scratch and wait for them to architect data onboarding solutions. In this process, they waste over 5 months of time and a lot of revenue to boot. If agility is the focus then Integration needs to be code-free and available to non-technical users. A modern-day B2B integration tool needs to packs self-service integration features for solving this problem. Custom building blocks and constructs help teams in building agile and scalable connections with agility and efficiency. In this way, teams can become faster to work with, deliver supremeservice quality, and expand the customer base.

B2B data integration is becoming rampant across all organizations. However, a few enterprises are thriving with B2B solutions as most of them don’t offer capabilities required for shifting business needs. Enterprises should ensure that their B2B integration model has the aforementioned three features to counteract IT complexity and silos. These features can help them in adopting a drift-to-drive approach for monetizing complex B2B networks. These features can provide foundational support to enterprise IT, shift IT towards the stream of business, and help them fuse new speeds into the B2B network.