Be Easier To Do Business With

Empower your business users to perform B2B integration operations and make onboarding easy, fast, and secure.

If It Takes Months to Onboard a Customer, You’re Not Easy to do Business With

We understand why it can take a long time to bring on new customers. Some are small, others are large. Some have no technical skills, others have high-tech IT departments. Some want to send you data in Excel spreadsheets, others in XML, and still others in free-flowing script. Some will request a secure FTP server, others will send you an email. No two customers are exactly alike, which results in as many data exchange processes as there are … well, customers.

But your customers won’t understand. They’ll just see you as being difficult to do business with. Use Adeptia to create a single process for exchanging data with your customers … and start that customer relationship off right.

Onboard Customer Data Easily, Quickly, and Securely

Don’t tie up your IT department or your customer’s time requiring onerous two-way discussions about secure tunnels or secure FTP servers. Accept data from your customers in any format, minimizing data transformations and work on their end. Make it easy for customers to consume your services with Adeptia’s comprehensive B2B integration platform-as-a-service.

With Adeptia, IT can create pre-configured shared connections and enable your business users to create their own B2B data connections as needed. IT can still retain full visibility into the platform for security and governance.

Customer Onboarding, Simplified.

Application Integration

Say hello to ease-of-use, and goodbye to complex code! Adeptia Integration Suite allows you to seamlessly automate both system-to-system data flows as well as human workflows.

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B2B Integration

Adeptia’s B2B Integration is an enterprise-class software product designed to automate data flows and connect internal applications with external partners using industry-specific standards.

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Data Integration

A comprehensive solution that combines powerful data conversion capability with easy to use software that supports any-to-any conversion. This unique solution is web-based and wizard-driven.

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Adeptia enabled us to transform the way we move and integrate data—putting our business users in the driver's seat.

Peter Mueller
Peter Mueller
Leader, Global Business Analytics at Lonza PharmaBiotech